Open letter from the Editor in Chief
Are we angry about the event that took place on May 25th, 2020 to George Floyd? Yes. Should we all be angry? Yes. Do we have the right to protest? Absolutely. But let’s start with what protesting is:
publicly demonstrate strong objection to an official policy or course of action.
This is the meaning of protest. Not, destroying businesses, causing harm to business owners, causing harm to one another for that matter. Yes, be angry, be angry for what happened to someone who was targeted for his skin color and murdered by those who used and abused their authority.
We are just as angry at the event that took place on May 25th, 2020, but we cannot condone violence and anarchy on our businesses, the looting, and the violence against those who peacefully protesting. This is hate, not peace. We are better than this America.
If you want to make a change, this must come from within our own local and city governments. Now I am not a politician by any means and do not begin to assert that I know governmental laws, but what I do know is that they have the power to stop the abuse of power within any law enforcement offices. They have the power to do better at screening their recruits and constantly check in on their behavior. Yes, I know this is a lot to do but can it can be done.
We must all realize not everyone is a racist and violent person, change starts from within and a deep look at ourselves and what we can do to help stop racism and curb the effects it brings with it.
So be angry, be angry with our governmental leadership. Stand up to the leadership and envoke your rights. Your rights as human beings for them to protect your communities. Challenge them to help impoverished communities rise up.
They have to power to prevent events such as what happened on Memorial Day 2020. My challenge to everyone reading this letter is to contact your local leadership and demand justice.
Violence is not the answer.