Teen Vogue Explains How to Use Menstrual Blood in Witchcraft to Their 12-17 Year Old Readers

Teen Vogue, a magazine intended for kids as young as 12, has published a bizarre article explaining how to use menstrual blood for witchcraft.

The article, titled “Menstrual Blood Magic: 3 Spells For Your Period,” is the latest installment of their “practical magic” witchcraft series.

The writer Lisa Stardust begins by saying “We’ve all seen how that stigma is spread, from tampon commercials showing women discreetly discussing their periods to the way we hide our own menstruation when it’s our ‘time of the month.’ Rather than play into this patriarchal shame, witches and other masters of magic believe menstruation is a gift from nature.”

Stardust goes on to talk about how periods are magic especially during the full moon, which forced Teen Vogue to add a disclaimer that the moon does not actually affect your period.

“Menstrual blood can be used in spells to ward off evil and protect us if used properly,” the author wrote, in a magazine for kids. “

“Collect any pieces of broken glass, tacks, nails, screws, or anything else you’ve collected from your journeys that could injure you in a mason jar with your menstrual blood (or a used tampon), Blue advised. Seal it tight and bury it near your home for protection from others,” the article states. Additionally, she quotes “Tarot reader, color magic practitioner, and curator Sarah Potter”

with another spell.

It’s unfortunate that once touted as a fashion-forward magazine, Teen Vogue seems to have lost its way and its audience.