Happy Passover From Howard Wolowitz

Passover is one of the most important Jewish holidays of the year. It’s a celebration that happens each Spring, honoring the freedom and exodus of the Israelites (Jewish slaves) from Egypt.
Tonight is the first night of eight, and typically that means that people from all over the world would gather in their homes and host their traditional Seders (dinners retelling the story of Passover through the reading of the Haggadah, eating symbolic foods, singing songs, and other traditional holiday customs) with their loved ones. But this year is different. Some may have thought, how can we celebrate our freedom when we are cooped up in our own homes? What kind of Passover will this be, when groceries are hard to come by?
Whether you are having your Seder virtually with family or making your own non-traditional quarantine-style feast at home – we wanted to take this time and realize that we do have so much to be grateful for this year. This pause in life can bring great reflection, and the one thing you can definitely look forward to this holiday is that you get all your favorite traditional foods to yourself!
And if you make it through the entire Seder alone – we hope you will be doing this dance in the meme we have created from Howard Wolowitz from The Big Bang Theory! From the Wolowitz Family to yours, we are wishing you a Happy and Healthy Passover!
So eat your brisket, drink your 4 glasses of Manischewitz, and recline post seder in your favorite spot on the couch with the perfect night cap – The Big Bang Theory!
The only way to see The Big Bang Theory: The Complete Series commercial-free is to own it on Digital, Blu-ray & DVD. All individual seasons are available to purchase here: http://www.ownwbtv.com/?bigbangtheory. All seasons are also available to own at all major digital retailers; including iTunes, VUDU, Amazon Prime, and GooglePlay. DVD and Blu-ray (which include incredible extra features) can be purchased from all major retailers – including Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Best Buy.